Tour of Gillette

DateApril 19, 2003
HostsCheryl Prudhomme and Mark Cook (Team Road Raider)
WhereMorris and Somerset Counties
Who (else) Marji Brandriss and Dave Kristol, Claire Hamanaka and Walt Willard, Susan Nicolich and Dave Snope, Trish and Ed Troike, Linda and George Wells

Route Slip [PDF]

Team Wells's account of the day.

We gathered at the Road Raider's house in Gillette before setting out on a tour of some of the (ahem!) Somerset Hills. The ride headed south, then west, toward Liberty Corner and Far Hills, climbing King George Rd., followed by a nice long coast along Mountainview Rd. We stopped at the US Golf Association Headquarters for some rest and refreshments that Cheryl and Mark had pre-positioned in their van. We doubled back through Basking Ridge, cruised through the heart of the Great Swamp, and, after one final climb ("Sprint up final hill" say Mark's directions; heh!), returned to the Road Raider's home.

Mark cranked up the grill, and he and Cheryl turned out an impressive spread of hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, salads, etc. Trish and Ed brought a nice couscous salad, and Marji and Dave brought some Passover foods. Not bad for April!

After we ate and chatted, Mark demonstrated yet another talent by pulling out one of his two guitars and providing some musical entertainment.

Preliminaries; photos of people taking photos

Regrouping, and snacking, at the USGA

Lining up the big photo

The assembled masses...

At the finish line

The impressive barbecue spread

The cook, Cook

DOGS yapping

This DOG can sing!

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Copyright © 2003, Marjorie Brandriss, David Kristol, Mark Cook