(Low-Fat) Sesame Sauce and Noodles


Who George Wells
Why DOGS ride
When July 31, 2004
Category Appetizer

Ingredients Steps
12 oz. uncooked noodles
3 tbsp. garlic
3 tbsp. fresh ginger root
¾ c. tahini (sesame paste)
¾ c. peanut butter
¼ c. soy sauce
1 tbsp. chili oil (to taste)
approx. 1 c. water
  1. Cook noodles according to directions. Chill in cold water, drain, and set aside.
  2. In a blender, liquefy garlic, ginger root, chili oil, soy sauce.
  3. In a food processor, add the peanut butter and tahini and blend with the liquified mix from the blender.
  4. Add sufficient water to make the paste semi-liquid, bearing in mind that it has to stick to the noodles.
  5. Toss the noodles with the sauce.


Generated 1 Aug 2004 20:46:35 from recipes/sesame-sauce.rcp, 1 Aug 2004 20:46:30