Dave's Annual HOT Ride and COOL Pool Party

DateJuly 31, 2010
HostsSusan Nicholich and Dave Snope
WhereSnope house, Califon
Who (else)Snope house, Califon Judy Allison and Malcolm Boyd, Barbara and Ron Anderson, Caren and Mike Bianco, Barbara and Tracy Cate, Deb and Al Cudworth, Barbara Flint and Neil McPhee, Pat and Ed Gifford, Brenda and Larry Isherwood, Jane and Paul Kimmel and Maria Ramos, Pat and Robert Singley, Linda and George Wells
Even if you weren't in Califon on Saturday the 31st of July, we do hope you spent some time on your tandems. It was a beautiful day for getting outdoors and riding. We give a huge thank you to Dave and Susan for hosting the DOGS ride.

Dave and Susan's (now annual) Hot Ride and Cool Pool Party was a smashing success with the following teams participating: Wells (George and Linda), Allison/Boyd (Judy and Malcolm), Gifford (Ed and Pat), Isherwood (Brenda and Larry), Kimmel (Jane, Paul and Maria Ramos - on their triple), Cudworth (Al and Deb), Nicolich/Snope (Susan and Dave - our gracious hosts), Flint/McPhee (Barbara and Neil), Anderson (Barbara and Ron), Cate (Barbara and Tracy), along with two brand new DOGS teams--Bianco (Caren and Mike), and Singley (Pat and Robert). This was and excellent turnout as befitted this beautiful day.

Our hosts offered two basic rides of 36 and 41 miles and Team Wells got the Topo Maps for a 23 mile ride that re-introduced Black River Road, which had been off the DOGS preferred road list due to poor conditions for the past few years. This route used to be called the Rolling Riparian Ramble and perhaps we’ll see it added back to the listing of rides in the Califon area. The good news is that Black River Road has been resurfaced and is great for riding your tandem.

Following the traditional starting picture, we all rolled off at 9:47 AM. To the surprise of Team Wells, and pretty much everyone else, Team Wells led the pack on rolling Philhower/Frog Hollow Roads and part way up Summer Lane. Then the "cream rose to the top" and Team Wells reassumed its traditional position -- off-the-back of the main pack!

There were lots of other clubs out on the roads Saturday. Many cyclists faster than Team Wells, and surprisingly more that a few slower than we were -- even uphill! The 23 mile distance was perfect for Team Wells as we had sufficient reserve power to climb the entire length of Guinea Hollow Road without stopping to rest (as we did last year). This was Linda's first time using only the Garmin as the source of directions and it worked perfectly.

Following the ride were a lot of tales of the rides on the various routes along with other road and off-road tandeming stories. The food, as usual -- excellent and always too much. Eventually, the stories all having been told, and other duties at home calling the DOGS, teams drifted away, and another DOGS ride came to an end, but still, a wonderful memory.

Of course, there are more rides in the DOGS future. In fact, there was talk between Teams Cate and Flint/McPhee about an August ride that may be held on the 21st with vague references to various places to be included -- keep checking the website for more information. Team Wells also talked to Team Kimmel about hosting a ride in their area of NJ, so there will probably be even more rides to come. Of course, we would love you to share one of your favorite rides with the club as well.

Linda & George Wells
Leaders -- Doubles Of the Garden State (DOGS)

DOGS Home Page

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Copyright © 2010, George Wells (text), Dave Snope (photos)